Harmful effects of chemically refined sugar


One of the most obvious and well known reasons why sweetened foods and drinks are considered bad for health is that during the process of its production, refined sugar gets robbed off the vitamins, proteins, minerals, enzymes and other healthy nutrients that the original sugar cane or beet contains. In fact, refined sugar lacks chromium, a chemical needed for our blood sugar levels to be healthily managed. Severe deficiencies of this chemical will mean our bodies could ignore to assess how much sugar is in our blood.

Another huge reason of concern with sugar is that although sugar tends to be high in calories, it is not much filling. That makes it easier to over-consume the sweet edibles, resulting in excessive consumption causing unwanted weight gain.

Sometimes sugary items displace other healthier foods. People, especially kids, often eat sweets instead of other nutritious foods, as a result of which their overall nutrition suffers.

Excess amounts of sugar can result in undesirable weight gain. Sugar is normally stored in the liver as glucose. But once the liver is full, it sends back the excess glucose back into the blood as fat. The fat cells are then taken by the bloodstream throughout the body and get deposited on various parts, around the belly and hips being the “site of choice”.

A big dose of sugar, like a bottle of cold drink or a bar of chocolate, temporarily brings down the immune system’s ability to respond to challenges. Unfortunately, the effect lasts for several hours. Therefore, when we eat sweets several times a day, our immune system goes for a toss for a much longer duration and consequently the ability to fight disease gets weakened.

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